By: Keturah Thomson

“I just need to use the washroom,” one of our guests politely told us, as she made her way down the hallway.

“Okay, Dad, tell her how to use the door!” Mom says. (I’ve always found it funny that Mom refers to her husband as “Dad” 50% of the time, but that’s beside the point)

“She can use it ANY way,” Dad responds proudly. “It is working perfectly.”

This was only about an hour after Dad had announced to everyone in the kitchen, “You are all invited to go try the bathroom door,” and minutes after Jon had told Keturah, “Did you see the sink? Go try it. You’re gonna be surprised.”

Admittedly, we are a houseful of dramatics. But I think if a house with a bathroom door that is always falling off, both bathroom sinks that don’t drain, a shower ceiling that falls on you when you’re in it, a basement that is a part time lake when it rains, (the list goes on) has to be given to somebody, it may as well be given to those who are dramatic enough to appreciate it for its entertainment.

We have a TV, but in all of our years of owning it, we’ve never watched TV on it. It doesn’t work, and if it did, we wouldn’t notice cause we never try. We watch movies and old TV shows like Andy Griffith and The Beverly Hillbillies occasionally, but these days, we often comment that we don’t even need a TV, we mostly sit around the living room and laugh at each other in the evening.

Multiple people in our family have mentioned that they didn’t want to go to work in the evening, or didn’t want to go somewhere with friends, because they’d miss the show going on at home. It’s pretty much the same show, day to day, but somehow it never gets old.

Whether it’s a biblical counselling session, or an exercise class straight from Loops McGoats, Jon’s new lifestyle program, (which you can subscribe to, for only $100 a week for two years) or just a bunch of tired hooligans laying around the living room laughing at the poor soul who’s trying to escape our bathroom door, it’s always a good time.

And don’t worry, the door and the sink are fixed now, thanks to Dad and Jon, so you don’t have to be afraid to accept our always open invitation, to come over on Hospitality Sunday, 2:00 every week.