I really did intend to get to the symbolism of the wine in the next post, but… God stepped in and did something so significant to us in North America that it will have to wait.  The sign of the prophet Jonah has been given to this wicked and perverse generation.  We have 40 days from the solar eclipse to see if judgment may be deferred.  Dear brothers and sisters fast and pray.

While I am not the only voice who has raised this issue, it seems that we are largely silent and indifferent.  If God does not judge our wickedness then He could not be called just.  His forgiveness and mercy are abundant but must also call an end to wickedness with punishment.  To allow the wicked to prey on others and not bring judgment is neither just nor merciful.

Last week I stood on a street corner with 2 of my children who are spearheading a work to raise awareness of the evil of abortion.  We were able to enter a discussion with very few. Some were receptive, more were  abusive, but the vast majority were indifferent.  For the most part we live self-centered lives.

I had been watching and studying the Revelation 12 sign that is currently forming in the sky, ready for display in fullness on Sept 23 of this year, when the awareness of the solar eclipse and what it might mean began to dawn on me. The more I studied, the stronger the conviction became that this 2017 eclipse had been prophesied by Jesus himself and it had been unmistakably signed by the finger of God.

First came the awareness that prophesy often had a short term and a long term fulfillment. When Jesus told the wicked men who asked him for a sign to prove that he was the Messiah sent to Israel that no sign would be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah, could he have been speaking of both comings? A solar eclipse and earthquakes were a part of the scene at the cross and the Romans recognized the voice of God. Then when we dig into history we find in the Assyrian cuneiform tablet that Jonah showed up in 763 BC, to a nation prepared of God to repent.  There were a number of signs in the culture and in nature that caused them to be ready to hear Jonah.

If I were to go into all the proofs I have come across to show the remarkable similarities and the actual linking of that event and this one, this blog post would become a book and the book would not be finished before the 40 days were up.  Much of what I have uncovered can be found on YouTube with a little discernment needed because there are many assigning meaning to things that are opinion and conjecture. It does get confusing on the internet.  A little research however will help you see that this is far more than a scientific event people are making crazy claims about. When the coincidences start to number in the hundreds you begin to understand how impossible it would be to simply be random.

Looking at similarities however is not enough. Studying prophecy in Hebrew is a different exercise than in English.  Hebrew words have meaning but so do their letters. It has similarities to the chemical language. When I say H2O, you understand that I am talking about water but you also understand the chemical makeup of water when I use this language. Now add to this another layer.  Every letter has an associated number.  This is called gematria.  It is a fascinating study of how precise God is, how all things work together for good. Each number has associations from other places within the word of God with equal numerical value.  The most significant numbers of the eclipse are 4, 40 and 400.  These are not accidental, nor is the approaching year on the Jewish calendar that just happens to match the surface temperature of the sun in absolute degrees. (Kelvin).  There is far more to the numbers, the 70 mile wide path of totality, the 7 years until the next one, the touching of 10 states in the path of totality, the 70th week of Daniel in prophecy, the two distinct 7 week periods in the story of Joseph and the similar birth in America at the end of the last Shemitah of the cow of plenty and cow of judgment both born with a 7 stenciled across their faces. If you don’t understand this reference do some research.  The Tav (the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet) formed by the second eclipse connects the Joseph story to the eclipse by means of American history. Connecting the dots on this is not simple but it is unmistakable and available. You have not been left unwarned.

How life will proceed after Sept 30th of this year is possibly up to us.  If our repentance is received by God, he will according to the pattern of Nineveh be merciful.

History also bears out the 40 day sign of judgment after a solar eclipse in perigee. Africa was significantly damaged by slave trade in the 1600’s which began in earnest 40 days after the eclipse in Africa. WWI began July 28, 1914, 40 days after the solar eclipse in perigee had crossed Europe and ended in the Ottoman empire.  Of course Jonah’s word averted the judgment in 763 BC but the signs of God did some serious damage.  Pestilence, military embarrassment of a superpower, a country divided in half politically, storms, fire and earthquakes, a total eclipse and a bleached prophet.  Did you know that ancient Nineveh is modern day Mosul?

In the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses, God says a thing shall be established.  Billy Graham posted a message on his website to America at 98 years of age that he says may be his last.  He was not using the signs in the sky to reach his conclusions, but he calls on America to repent, that this time in history is our Nineveh moment.

I am not date setting a time for Christ’s return but God has revealed to us through the prophets his timetable for America. Prophets today and in ancient times are sounding the alarm.  Judgment began to form when the Supreme Court decided for same sex marriage and the White House championed the decision.  When the nation calls evil good, and good evil, judgment must come.

This is not a doom and gloom post.  God also reveals to his prophets what he expects us to in response.  You are not powerless. Your prayers are urgently needed.

  1. The first thing that all must do is repent. Put wickedness away from yourselves by letting the Holy Spirit reveal it to you and then asking God to remove it from your life.  Accept God’s gift of His own life in Jesus that he sacrificed on the cross, traded for your death if you will choose to believe and let go of your sin. (John 1:12) Hopefully you have already done this.


  1. Secondly we must reveal the coming judgment.  Your friends and neighbors must be warned.  God says that if we see danger approaching and do not warn those in earshot, we will be guilty of their blood. (Ezekiel  33:7).


  1. Thirdly and finally my brethren, rejoice! Your salvation draweth nigh. He is returning to restore all things.  Remember the present sufferings are not worthy to be compared to the glory that is coming.  Remember your first love and hold fast to him.  He is all that matters in the end.


Love you all.  These are exciting times to be alive.
