Preparation for Hospitality Sunday is always an adventure, today was no exception.

Dishes clanged, water sloshed, and the stovetop kettle whistled. Dad came home with a loud announcement, and Mom in turn had a question for him. The same question she asked every week, “How many people are coming?”

“Lots!” He responded dramatically.

Oh no. We had prepared for less than usual, so a reasonable amount of panic ensued.

“It’s okay Mom,” Naomi piped in, “We’ll just make LOTS of potatoes.”

The rest of us prayed that God would make our small amount of food to feed the 5,000.

“Jon’s home!” Someone announced. “Good, I want him to make some lemonit.” (Thomson dialect, translation: lemonade)

Jon went to make “lemonit,” I went to wash more lettuce in the laundry tub because Naomi was using the sink for potatoes, while others scurried around cleaning, and an unfamiliar voice said, “Hello?”

Guests were arriving 15 minutes early, and my very hospitable mother went to greet them and tell them to make themselves at home.

I was laughing at the sheer silliness of the situation as a lady from our church presented us with a pie, leftover from church. She walked into the living room and Mom laughed, “This is my pie!”

In the end, the 5,000 were fed, and we figured out that the pie had been made by Mom, bought by our friend, given to his friend who brought it to church, and returned to us as a gift.

Anyone want some leftover mashed potatoes?