Today’s question of choice is about biblical marriage and divorce. After a long discussion of very culturally biased views, I tried to keep us focused on the things the Bible actually says, rather than the things we assume that fit our cultural paradigm. There are many surprises we discover when we put preconceived notions aside. Most of us have been touched in some way by the issue. Because the discussion was long and heartfelt with many contributors, I want to point out one thing. Just remember this…. you can justify yourself in your circumstances, or you can let Christ be your righteousness through repentance and humility. Only one of you gets to do the justifying. When God is the only judge that matters, I’d rather have Jesus justify me. I need Him to be my advocate. I am content to have been a sinner with a testimony of faith in His forgiveness than tell you why my rebellion was really necessary. God hates divorce. ‘Nuff said. It’s also freeing to admit it and rejoice in His mercy.

More and more people are also being touched by the idea that we get to define marriage based on how we perceive love at any given moment.  Deuteronomy 22-24 and other passages have set some very specific boundaries to what a marriage is and is not. Fallible man and fickle feelings are actually incapable of defining love as God does (see 1 Corinthians 13), let alone defining an institution designed by God as a picture of His relationship with His people. We learn from God what it is and don’t get to instruct Him as to what it ought to be. We also err when we think it’s supposed to be all about the feelings and buy into Hollywood’s version over the Holy Word’s version.

I hope to do another answer on questions of sexual identity soon which may be related but is not fully answered above.