Hey everyone, Naomi here! Mom and Dad have been faithfully hosting Hospitality Sunday, and producing new content for their blog… But I, their admin, have been blogging, working, baking, hosting people, running errands, and who-knows-what to the point that putting said content online has been nigh unto impossible. It’s been a busy month.

That said, there is new content coming to the blog soon – but in the meantime, I’ll leave you with this picture, to hopefully make you ask, “What– is THAT?” and motivate you to come back to find out.

If the words “Croissant,” “Apple,” and “Brie” mean anything to you, I suggest you keep tabs here and on www.naomicakes.com to see what’s probably going to end up on our Christmas table this year – And if you feel ambitious, yours too. 😉

Be back next week, Lord willing. We’ll see how this goes!
